We believe in change

Each year, approximately 119 billion pounds of food are wasted in the United States, according to Feeding America, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to national food waste reduction and waste education. Also each year, approximately 35% of households at or below the poverty line suffer from food insecurity, according to a recent study published by the USDA Economic Research Service.

Each year, approximately 34 billion pounds of clothing are wasted in the United States, according to a recent study published by Boston University’s School of Public Health. Also each year, approximately 2 in 5 children in the United States suffer from clothing insecurity, according to research published by nonprofit organization: Cradles to Crayons. Additionally, according to older reports from Feeding America, over 34% of low-income families find it difficult to afford basic household necessities, including clothing. Families above the poverty line produce 75% more textile waste than families at or below the poverty line; and 66% of all discarded textile waste ends up in a landfill, according to Boston University’s report.

With food waste on the rise and food insecurity remaining a significant issue in most communities, Community Angel Resource Exchange (CARE) is dedicated to redistribution of collected food, clothing, and other surplus items to families with resource insecurity through our CARE Box Program and our CARE Network. The CARE Box Program provides custom portions of food, clothing, and other items accepted through the region’s donation networks.

As most food waste in our region consists of highly perishable, unprepared food (such as fruits, vegetables, raw poultry, meat, and fish, and dairy products) and highly perishable, high volume, prepared food (such as surplus from catered events and local restaurants), the speed with which food surplus must be assessed, inventoried, and distributed is high. The combination of perishability and volume create an unfortunate circumstance where food surplus often exceeds the identified food insecure population’s immediate need. This unique problem is addressed by the CARE Network: a collection of community members dedicated to raising awareness and accepting surplus when necessary and as possible; identified members of the community’s food insecure population; local and regional organizations with compatible missions that commit to accept and redistribute surplus to community members served by their organization.

  • Community Education

  • CARE Box Program

  • CARE Network

  • Building Partnerships

Community Angel Resource Exchange (CARE) is passionate about building a healthy, sustainable community. We develop collaborative partnerships with other regional nonprofits with  similar goals. This broader network helps ensure that we can reach the maximum community members with minimum waste.

Community Angel Resource Exchange (CARE) accepts food donations from the 412 Food Rescue network, in kind food and clothing donations from Outreached Arms, and donations from local businesses and individuals.  Food and clothing donations are repackaged and distributed to individuals, families, community pantries, churches, and other nonprofit organizations throughout the region.

Community Angel Resource Exchange (CARE) boxes, specially designed for regional individuals and families, often include a mix of freshly prepared food, perishable unprepared food (raw fruit, raw vegetables, and dairy items), and shelf-stable items (cereals, dry grains, canned goods, nuts, etc.), and personal care items.  CARE boxes are packed according to recipient preferences and are distributed to community members by direct pickup, good-neighbor distribution, or volunteer delivery.

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

Community Education

Resource waste and resource insecurity should not persist within the same community. Community Angel Resource Exchange (CARE) is committed to raising awareness within local and regional communities while using one issue to mitigate the other.

CARE Box Program

The Community Angel Resource Exchange CARE Box Program distributes CARE Boxes to local and regional individuals and families. These boxes typically include a mix of freshly prepared food, perishable unprepared food (raw fruit, raw vegetables, and dairy items), shelf-stable items (cereals, dry grains, canned goods, nuts, etc.), and personal care items. CARE boxes are packed according to recipient preferences and are distributed to community members by direct pickup, good-neighbor distribution, or volunteer delivery.

CARE Network

As resource surplus for perishable items often exceeds the needs of identified, food-insecure individuals and families, the CARE Network serves as a distribution outlet for that surplus. CARE Network members are community-conscious volunteers who accept surplus to mitigate waste. CARE Network members also work to spread the word and further the Community Angel Resource Exchange’s missions by identifying new recipients for the CARE Box Program and by redistributing surplus within their local communities.

Building Partnerships

In addition to the CARE Box Program and the CARE Network, Community Angel Resource Exchange develops working partnerships with local and regional nonprofits with complimentary or compatible missions. We also work with churches, food pantries, afterschool programs, food rescue organizations, missionaries, and local community groups to establish and fulfill community needs. We are passionate about collaboration — certain that together, we can make a difference.

Annual Month of Giving

Community Angel Resource Exchange accepts in-kind donations from regional nonprofits, monetary donations from individuals, local businesses, and local organizations, as well as material donations (supplies and other operational items) from individuals, businesses, and organizations. Every donation received makes a difference and is appreciated.

Make a difference today

As long as resource waste and resource insecurity persist within the same community, raising awareness, mobilizing action, and facilitating change are crucial. It doesn’t take much to make a difference, get in touch today to learn how you can contribute.